10 effective diets for quick weight loss: no time, and the choice - to eat!

Many women interested in knowing whether there is actually a diet effective especially for quick weight loss? Or is it just a myth and a trick for manufacturers of dietary supplements? Meanwhile, there are moments in life (and not enough), when an urgent need to get into your favorite shorts or instantly transformed to the most important celebration in the life of ... Is there a diet on this case? Definitely yes!

The most effective and fast diet

When choosing a diet for quick weight loss, the following guidelines:
choose the diet, the main product of which is available to you, because most rapid and effective diets - mono-diet, which are built on a single product;

foods in the diet you have to like the taste, or sit on a diet will be doubly difficult;

for more comfortable losing weight choose a diet, in which all dishes are easy to prepare, to be less in the kitchen and do not be tempted to eat.
From proven diets for quick weight loss, you can pay attention to:
all kinds of mono ;

Variations kefir diet;

diet of celebrities, such as Hollywood diet or diet Larisa Dolina ;
popular nowadays protein diet (and its variations - Dukan Diet , Kremlin diet , low-carb diet ).
10 effective diets for quick weight loss

Hollywood diet is popular among overseas stars, it lasts two weeks, for which you can reduce weight by an average of 7 kg. It is necessary to monitor the amount of sugar, salt and fat in the diet, to remove the bread completely.

Cabbage Soup Diet is considered to be very effective: in the last 7 days, you can lose up to 5 kg. The menu is so tasty dishes that do not contain fats, except in small amounts.

The Japanese diet can give a good result in weight loss of up to 8 kilos in two weeks. Based on the use of it is seafood, but all meals should be prepared without salt.

Brazilian diet - the basis of its vegetables, fruit, and vegetable soups. For seven days, you can lose weight up to 4 kilograms.

Interval or three-day diet. It lasts 9 days and is divided into three phases on the third day, when you eat rice, potatoes and vegetables. During her only clean water to drink. Lose weight on it can be up to 7-9 kg, but you need to be careful and watch out for your health.

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Buckwheat diet usually lasts one or two weeks, during which you can lose weight by 4 or 8 kilograms respectively. During the whole period you eat buckwheat, pre-filled with hot water and swollen.

Diet soup based on various soups, including puree soup. The main thing that this soup was not made from potatoes or legumes and did not contain butter and spices, bread should also be excluded. little salt is allowed at all. Duration - 7 days, the loss in weight up to 4 kilograms.

Diet top models for a period 3 days, you can lose weight by 3, sometimes 5 kg. Diet is considered to be severe, as you eat only one egg and 300g of cottage cheese a day, dine and drink only water.

Kefir diet lasts for 7 days and it is possible to lose 4-5 kg. Every day you drink half a liter of low-fat yogurt.

Diet fresh juices provide rapid weight loss, but it is not easy to sustain. Freshly squeezed juice from oranges, grapefruits and lemons should be drunk three times a day. The rest of the time drink water. Usually diet lasts up to 3 days, and you can lose up to 3 kilos.

The most rapid and effective diet

Among the great variety of diets, is the most rapid and effective express diets that are designed for quick weight loss. They last up to 5 days. During their amount of food is greatly reduced and completely missing dinner. It may also be mono-diet, which are built on a single product. For example, yogurt, juice, and certain fruits. Menu Express diet might look like this:

Breakfast: egg, unsweetened tea;

lunch, up to 12 days - low-fat cottage cheese with yogurt;

Lunch: fish steamed -150g salad vegetables, seasoned lemon juice, but without oil, fruit;

Dinner: unsweetened tea.

As there is a form of the most rapid and effective diet as fasting days. During the three-day fasting period, you can lose weight up to 4 kilograms.

The first day - entry to the diet, the second day - starvation, the third day - out of the diet. The diet is constructed as follows: preparing for starvation, need to limit the use of fat and carbohydrate foods. Do not eat grains, legumes. For breakfast, drink only green tea, lunch to eat fruits and vegetables raw, salad with olive oil can be refilled without salt.

From dinner should be discarded and only drink water and green tea without sugar after 7pm. The entire second day - starvation, can only drink water - 3-4L. Third day - a gradual exit from the diet. On this day, you eat the same foods as the first, and then gradually begin to add low-fat protein foods and move on to a normal diet.

Even you can arrange a potato day - during the week you will eat only potatoes, cooked in their skins without the addition of spices. Lose weight on such a mode of supply can be for 2-3 kilograms. As there is still fast diet on bananas and milk, which is also considered to be the most effective.

It lasts up to 5 days, you can lose weight by an average of 3 kilograms. The daily diet consists of two bananas and milk in the amount of 3 cups.